Media statement: SABC interim board gives public feedback
Issued by the SABC:
The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) interim board was appointed on the 27 March 2017 by President Jacob Zuma. Minister Ayanda Dlodlo confirmed and issued letters of appointment on the 5 April 2017.
The interim board had its formal introductory meeting with Minister Dlodlo. The interim board met with SCOPA on 28 March 2017 and met with the portfolio committee on Communications on 30 March 2017.
The interim board held its formal induction on 9 and 10 April 2017, where executives and senior management of the organisation introduced the board to the business, its various divisions and advised on its current state of affairs.
On the 12 April 2017, the interim board held a staff engagement where the board introduced itself and had an opportunity to hear concerns and matters pertaining to the business.
In the past weeks since its appointment, the interim board has been working with the Department of Communications to put together a package to ensure the financial rescue of the corporation. This work is ongoing and the document will be ready for submission to treasury in the next few days.
• The interim board has considered the Public Protector’s report, ‘When Governance and Ethics Fail’ and the legal action that the SABC had taken to take the report on review. The interim board is currently deliberating around the matter.
• The interim board is also considering the MultiChoice deal.
The interim board has instructed management to proceed with the advertisement of the positions of group chief executive officer (GCEO) and chief operations officer (COO) with immediate effect. The process that had already been started with the recruitment agency will be extended by one month to enable applicants who may still want to be considered, to apply for the position. The position of Group Executive: Radio will also be advertised.
In terms of the 90/10 local music and 80/20 television quota decisions, the interim board has decided that it will review the decision, considering regulations by ICASA, the cost of implementing the decision and the governance around the directive made in this regard.
There have been several enquiries to the interim board on its response to the press conference that was held on 19 April 2017 by the former COO, in this regard the board has communicated directly with Hlaudi Motsoeneng.
The interim board is determined to fulfil the tasks it was appointed to undertake, which are:
1. Bringing stability to the SABC and restoring public confidence in the public broadcaster;
2. Implementing the AD-Hoc committee’s report and
3. Implementing the public protectors’ report
The interim board commits itself to engage with the relevant stakeholders that will enable it to fulfil its task.