Sound Re-enforcement in Challenging Acoustic Environments

18 Jul 2019
12:30 - 13:30

Sound Re-enforcement in Challenging Acoustic Environments

Achieving voice intelligibility in acoustically challenging environments.


Frank’s favourite audio statement is… “no sound guy or sound designer was ever fired because the voice is too clear”.  In this presentation Frank will explode a few myths regarding speech and music intelligibility, echo and reverberation management, and show how “bigger and more is not necessarily better”. This particularly applies to houses of worship installations. These spaces are generally challenging and a correctly installed PA solution is only possible with a full understanding of what the source of the problem and how to handle it. He will clarify the sources of intelligibility loss and relate this to existing measurement systems and their limitations.  His presentation suggests some alternative approaches to the current industry fashion and dogma. For the budget conscious, there is a section on how to make the best of what you have and make it fit within limited means. Challenging acoustics can be improved without expensive architectural or audio technology solutions.