Collective Works

Collective Works


Collectively 40 years of experience in designing and lighting a variety of shows from corporate, theatre,  concert and TV. Chris and Josh were recently part of the lighting team at the 2019 Eurovision song contest.  (Our Keynote will be about our experiences there.)

As a creative Christopher relishes in the ability to create a unique experience across multiple platforms, but great events are often a product of excellent communication between client and designer, a relationship dynamic that Christopher focuses on, especially during set up – when excitement is high and showtime is looming.

“I am currently spending most of my time working abroad in Asia and the Middle Eastern markets and recently Israel on various different types of shows. From large TV shows in China to Musical Concerts in Vietnam. On my journey’s I have strengthened what I consider the most Important and often overlooked asset to have as a designer. Human skills! Sharing your ideas but understanding different cultures and people. Respecting the pressures they too are under..”

Apart from his great eye for drama and good lighting, Joshua is known for his quick  grasp of new technologies and ability to incorporate this appropriately into a show. Joshua is an asset on shows, combining his creative ability with  his calming approach and warm personality means that the Stage and Lighting component of the production is something you won’t need to worry about.

“Discussion and planning between us always gives our productions an edge. Pulling lights back to help video and pulling video back to help lights when required. We form a kind of ‘high-five;’ environment, creative minds working together as one. It’s the most rewarding feeling I have ever experienced.”

All session by Collective Works


10:30 - 11:30
17 Jul 2019
STAND E30 Black Box

Production Design

13:30 - 14:30
17 Jul 2019
STAND E30 Black Box

Lighting Production

11:30 - 12:30
18 Jul 2019
STAND E30 Black Box

Programming for Music

14:30 - 15:30
18 Jul 2019
STAND E30 Black Box


10:30 - 11:30
19 Jul 2019
STAND E30 Black Box

Case Studies

13:30 - 14:30
19 Jul 2019
STAND E30 Black Box